photo by Andrew Steinle

Well, it has been 4 years since I have left my small Midwestern town for  another small town below the Mason-Dixon line. I moved away from my small town because I wanted to live in the city. When God opened up a door for me to move my family to Kentucky, I stepped out in faith leaving the city for yet another small town. So, here I am in Kentucky, in a small quaint little town with my two kids and my wife.

My step of faith four years ago to leave everything I knew and move to a place where I didn’t know anyone, reminded me of what God calls us to do in life for Him. In Exodus, God called Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses stepped out in faith and did as the Lord commanded.

Abraham in the scriptures (starting with Genesis 12), believed whatever God told him and his faith was credited to him as righteousness. Both men on different occasions had to take steps of faith in order to do what God had called them to do so that God’s will would be done in their lives. Countless other men and women in the Bible stepped out in faith at times in their lives when things were uncertain or not as they should be to the will of God and fulfill something God had planned, like Noah for example.

So, what is God calling you to do that would enable you to step out in faith for His name’s sake? What have you been sitting on that the Holy Spirit has been tugging at our heart to do, that you have yet to do?  Be obedient to God and step out in faith trusting Him completely. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ God promises that He will be with you for He will never leave you nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5).

In my own life I know that if I hadn’t stepped out in faith, my trust in God that He will be with me wherever I go wouldn’t be as strong as it is today. Likewise, my faith in God would not be what it is today if I had not took a leap of faith and trusted Him in moving away from my hometown. Do I know why I am here in Kentucky? No. Do I know what plan God has for me here? No. But I do know that God has a plan and that is all I really need to know. Right? For the scriptures say, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11.

So step out in faith and do what God is calling you to do for Him.  If you know Him as your Lord and Savior He will be with you, He promises. For when you step out in faith you will see Him on the other side waiting for you!

(If some of what I wrote in my blog doesn’t make sense to you, especially what I wrote about Jesus, visit:, http://www.allaboutgod.comor

I want to share with you this step to relationship with Jesus:

1. Admit that you are a sinner, separated from God  because of your sin and are headed for hell. (Romans 3:23; Romans 6:23)

2. Accept that Christ God’s Son died on your behalf (in your place), taking the sins of the world including your sins upon himself on the cross. Jesus is the only way to God.(John 3:16; John 1:12; John 14:6; Acts 4:12).

3. Accept that good works will not get you into Heaven, only God’s righteousness, Jesus perfect life makes you acceptable to God. Salvation is a gift from God.(Ephesians 2:8-9).

4. Repent of yours sins, meaning turn away from your sinful life and also change your mind about who Christ by reading God’s word. (2 Corinthians 7:10; Luke 13:5;Acts 3:19)

5. Ask for God’s Son Jesus Christ to forgive your sins and cleanse you of all your unrighteousness (all your sins). (1 John 1:9)

6. Accept/receive Jesus as your Lord (the one you submit your life to) and your savior (the one that is saving you from a life in hell. (Romans 10:9-13)

7. Believe that Jesus Rose from the dead and is coming back again.(John 3:16: Romans 10:9-13)

If you did the above and believe it with all your heart the Bible says that God will save you and you will be with Him (Jesus Christ) in Heaven for eternity!

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